Helix 10mm Stencil in Plastic Sleeve

Artpac Kids Colouring Pencils - 30 vibrant pencils

2 Pairs of Children's Craft Scissors - 1 pair provides a straight cut and 1 pair gives a wavy cut


Decopatch Kit - Travel

Contains: Camel Shaped Paper Mache Figure, Glue Brush, Pot of Decopatch Glue, Decopatch Colourful Papers and Instructions

Zig Memory System 2 Way Glue Pen 2mm Fine MSB-20M Fine Tip Nip by Kuretake

The dual action glue pen! 

Great for scrapbooking

Craft Deco Scrapbook kit by Grafix

Scrapbooking has been around for many years and is a great way to preserve memories and memorabilia. This kit contains a lovely ring-bound book along with decorative items and embellishments to help you create a beautiful keepsake.

A wonderful starter kit to make bracelets and necklaces with beading wire


Practical tools to hold and rotate the egg while it is being painted.

Grafix Junior Art Easel Set - Mix the paints in the palette to make the colours you want to use and then paint your canvas!


Artstraws - Easy to use and fun to do!

A creative activity from 4-99 years!


A Creative Activity For All The Family

Cutting and sticking is easy to do!

From age 8 to adult

    Hobbytime Fabric Glue - Bonds quickly, Extra strong, Easier than sewing for hemming & repairs!